
Cool Real Estate In Pa images

Check out these real estate in pa images:

real estate in pa
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

real estate in pa
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

real estate in pa
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

Cool Real Estate Market images

A few nice real estate market images I found:

1661 S. Main Street
real estate market
Image by Beedle Um Bum
Looking southeast across Main Street (Highway 101) at 1661 S. Main St. Businesses in this building are Lincoln Realty and H&R Block (1661-A S. Main St.), Under Your Feet Floor Covering (1661-B S. Main St.), Jara's Mexican Market & Restaurant (1661-C S. Main St.), Chad's Fish & Chips (1661-D S. Main St.), and Audio Xtreme (1661-E S. Main St.). The end of Crystal Car Wash is just visible at the right of this photo.

Mont Vert Vesta Urawade - C Building - Even Floors
real estate market
Image by Ravi Karandeekar
1) Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog:
Bungalow Plots & 2 BHK Flats in Mont Vert Vesta at Urawade-Pirangut, Pune 412 108 - pre-launch offer

2) Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog:
Visit to Mont Vert Vesta at Urawade Pune 412 108!

Shamokin, Pennsylvania, USA Castle For Sale - Church Building For Sale In Shamokin, PA

Some cool pennsylvania real estate images:

Shamokin, Pennsylvania, USA Castle For Sale - Church Building For Sale In Shamokin, PA
pennsylvania real estate
Image by International Real Estate Listings
This brand new Shamokin, Pennsylvania, USA Castle For Sale - Church Building For Sale In Shamokin, PA image was just uploaded online at the World’s top international real estate site www.internationalrealestatelistings.com/

Check out the listing details here

Check out all of its pictures here

GOLF COURSE LOT located in the Gran Pacifica development on the coast of Nicaragua. With currently around 200 completed condos, townhomes, and homes…this development is not some “future dream” but a paradise today. On offer is a golf course lot with over 1000 meters (about 11,000 square feet), and is walking distance to the beaches, tennis courts, and restaurants. Get more information (including property video) by following this link


Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, USA Castle For Sale - Church For Sale In Mt Carmel, Pennsylvania
pennsylvania real estate
Image by International Real Estate Listings
This brand new Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, USA Castle For Sale - Church For Sale In Mt Carmel, Pennsylvania image was just uploaded online at the World’s top international real estate site www.internationalrealestatelistings.com/

Check out the listing details here

Check out all of its pictures here

*JUST LAUNCHED* - We are the first online international real estate listing company (crazy enough) to offer a guaranteed service...and we are putting our own money where our mouth is. Place your real estate listing on our site, and our crack pot team of SEO magicians will work behind the scenes to get your listing to show up on page 1 of Google Search – or, we will give you over 2 worth of upgrades. Full details (with taped interviews) can be found here


Nice Michigan Real Estate photos

Some cool michigan real estate images:

Side Yard
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Image by MichiganMoves
2614 Brookfield St | Canton MI 48188
Canton MI Real Estate For Sale

French Door to 3 Season Room
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Image by MichiganMoves
2614 Brookfield St | Canton MI 48188
Canton MI Real Estate For Sale

Lovely Oak Cabinets in Kitchen
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Image by MichiganMoves
2614 Brookfield St | Canton MI 48188
Canton MI Real Estate For Sale

Nice Mexico Real Estate photos

A few nice mexico real estate images I found:

kitchen and bar
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Image by Dragonfleye
the pimp kitchen

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Image by Dragonfleye
future vaca home

Nice Real Estate Auctions photos

Some cool real estate auctions images:

Garrett Academy builds themed playhouses
real estate auctions
Image by North Charleston
Garrett Academy students in partnership with The City of North Charleston, CarolinaOne Real Estate and several local home builders built four themed Playhouses that will be auctioned off to benefit three local charities (MUSC Children’s Hospital, Low Country Food Bank and The Ronald McDonald House of Charleston). They will be on display at the Felix C. Davis Community Center in Park Circle. Dean Wilson will be accepting offers during the holiday season.

Garrett Academy builds themed playhouses
real estate auctions
Image by North Charleston
Garrett Academy students in partnership with The City of North Charleston, CarolinaOne Real Estate and several local home builders built four themed Playhouses that will be auctioned off to benefit three local charities (MUSC Children’s Hospital, Low Country Food Bank and The Ronald McDonald House of Charleston). They will be on display at the Felix C. Davis Community Center in Park Circle. Dean Wilson will be accepting offers during the holiday season.

house for sale
real estate auctions
Image by nettsu
this is it :)
we're up & running...
4 weeks to auction
(screenshot of our real estate agents website for the house)

Sherwood Country Club

A few nice real estate companies images I found:

Sherwood Country Club
real estate companies
Image by sherwoodrealestate
Sherwood Development Company

Sherwood Country Club
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Image by sherwoodrealestate
Sherwood Development Company

Sherwood Country Club
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Image by sherwoodrealestate
Sherwood Development Company

Cool Real Estate License images

A few nice real estate license images I found:

Realty World
real estate license
Image by Beedle Um Bum
Realty World - Selzer Realty (716 S. Main St.) sells real estate and manages property. In the same building at the same address are Richard Dipman (Licensed Certified Social Worker) and Rosalie Anchordoguy and Colleen Donovan-Batson (nurse-midwives). We are looking northwest from the Main Street sidewalk.
A detailed 1911 map shows nothing but residences (except for the soda bottling works) along Main Street between South Street and California Street. Fortunately, as this stretch became a business district, many of the lovely old houses were converted to new uses and so preserved.

WERKMASTER ULTRA FLOOR SYSTEMS- featured at Buildex Vancouver-Photos Courtesy of Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBluePrinting-32

Some cool real estate canada images:

WERKMASTER ULTRA FLOOR SYSTEMS- featured at Buildex Vancouver-Photos Courtesy of Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBluePrinting-32
real estate canada
BUILDEX VANCOUVER - Vancouver Convention Centre West
BUILDEX Vancouver is about designing, building and managing real estate.


For Other MMPI Canada Events visit


CANADIAN PEST CONTROL LTD. featured at Buildex Vancouver-Photos Courtesy of Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBluePrinting
real estate canada
BUILDEX VANCOUVER - Vancouver Convention Centre West
BUILDEX Vancouver is about designing, building and managing real estate.


For Other MMPI Canada Events visit


4046 NW Astor Street

Check out these real estate wa images:

4046 NW Astor Street
real estate wa
Image by dalechumbley
This home is one that a buyer of mine is in the process of purchasing. If all goes well this will be the Pope’s home by the middle of July. Welcome to Washington and more specifically welcome to Camas.

4046 NW Astor Street
real estate wa
Image by dalechumbley
This home is one that a buyer of mine is in the process of purchasing. If all goes well this will be the Pope’s home by the middle of July. Welcome to Washington and more specifically welcome to Camas.

Cool Utah Real Estate images

Some cool utah real estate images:

Fireplace Tuscan Style
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Image by Stirling StoneWorks International

stage 2 Fireplace Tuscan Style
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Image by Stirling StoneWorks International

Fireplace Tuscan Style
utah real estate
Image by Stirling StoneWorks International

Nice Real Estate In Pa photos

A few nice real estate in pa images I found:

Axel Kubisch
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Image by cardenas-grancanaria.com
- Property Consultant in Cardenas Real Estate, Gran Canaria
- Asesora Inmobiliaria en Inmobiliaria Cardenas, Gran Canaria
- Immobilienberaterin in Cardenas Immobilien, Gran Canaria
- Megler pa Cardenas Eiendomsmegler, Gran Canaria


Oliver Maikath
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Image by cardenas-grancanaria.com
- Property Consultant in Cardenas Real Estate, Gran Canaria
- Asesora Inmobiliaria en Inmobiliaria Cardenas, Gran Canaria
- Immobilienberaterin in Cardenas Immobilien, Gran Canaria
- Megler pa Cardenas Eiendomsmegler, Gran Canaria


Yvonne Weerts
real estate in pa
Image by cardenas-grancanaria.com
- Property Consultant in Cardenas Real Estate, Gran Canaria
- Asesora Inmobiliaria en Inmobiliaria Cardenas, Gran Canaria
- Immobilienberaterin in Cardenas Immobilien, Gran Canaria
- Megler pa Cardenas Eiendomsmegler, Gran Canaria


Floor to Ceiling Brick Fireplace with Hearth and Gas Log

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Floor to Ceiling Brick Fireplace with Hearth and Gas Log
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Image by MichiganMoves
45879 Turtlehead Drive l Plymouth MI 48170
Plymouth MI Real Estate for Sale

Oversized 2 Plus Car Garage
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Image by MichiganMoves
45879 Turtlehead Drive l Plymouth MI 48170
Plymouth MI Real Estate for Sale

Full Bath on First Floor with Linen Storage to Right
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Image by MichiganMoves
45879 Turtlehead Drive l Plymouth MI 48170
Plymouth MI Real Estate for Sale

Nice Real Estate Prices photos

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You could be living here if you are rich :-) or the prices go down ! 01092011948
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Image by roland

- Taken at 12:45 PM on January 09, 2011 - uploaded by ShoZu

Fireplace Tuscan Style Details

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Fireplace Tuscan Style Details
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Image by Stirling StoneWorks International

stage 2 Fireplace Tuscan Style
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Image by Stirling StoneWorks International

Nice Real Estate For Sale photos

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Image by Images_of_Money
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Image by Show Appeal Realty

er - Civic Center: Colorado State Capitol - The Closing Era

Some cool real estate commission images:

er - Civic Center: Colorado State Capitol - The Closing Era
real estate commission
Image by wallyg
The Closing Era, designed by sculptor Preston Powers, was dedicated on the east lawn of the Colorado Capitol Building in 1893. The memorial was the original idea of a group of real estate investors who thought that such a sandstone statue would lure newcomers into the Perry Park area of Denver. While this idea never came to fruition, a group called the "Fortnightly Club" and under the leadership of Mrs. E. M. Ashley and Eliza Routt, heard of the idea and thought that the statue would be a nice addition to the State's exhibit at the 1893 World's Fair Exposition at Chicago. The group commissioned Preston Powers, one time dean of the Art Department at the University of Denver and son of sculptor Hiram Powers, to make a bronze sculpture. After the Exposition it was placed for permanent display on the Capitol's East Lawn on a base of granite from Cotopaxi in Fremont County, Colorado. Powers, who was a close friend of the poet John Greenleaf Whittier, commissioned the poem for the base of the statue.

The Colorado State Capitol Building, at 200 East Colfax Avenue, first opened for use in 1894. Designed by architect Elijah E. Myers, the four-story cruciform building, with four similar elevations, is constructed of Colorado gray granite from Gunnison County. The 24-carat golf-leaf covered dome, which rises 150-feet high commemorating the Colorado Gold Rush, was added in 1908.

The interior uses copious amounts of Colorado Rose Onyx, a rare rose marble from a quarry near Beulah, Colorado. White Yule Marble from the quarries near Marble, Colorado was also used for the floors. Important interior spaces include the rotunda with its murals by local artist Allen Tupper True, the House and Senate chambers, and the old Supreme Court chamber. Many of the windows are stained glass, depicting people or events related to the history of Colorado. The halls are decorated with portraits of every president of the United States.

The official elevation of Denver is measured outside the west entrance to the building, where the fifteenth step is engraved with the words "One Mile Above Sea Level." A second mile high marker was set in the 18th step in 1869 when Colorado State University students resurveyed the elevation. In 2003, a more accurate measurement was made with modern means, and the 13th step was identified as being one mile high, where a 3rd marker was installed.

Brigadier General David S. Elmo, Former Deputy Commander, Southern European Task Force - U.S. Army Africa
real estate commission
Image by US Army Africa
Brigadier General David S. Elmo
Deputy Commander, Southern European Task Force - U.S. Army Africa

Hailing from Yonkers, New York, BG Elmo graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Fordham University. He studied at the London School of Economics and later received Masters degrees in Real Estate Development from Columbia University, in Management from Webster University and, in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College.

He received his commission through the ROTC program and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps in 1984. His active duty assignments were: as Platoon Leader in the 600th Quartermaster Company (Airborne), Adjutant of the 46th Support Group, and Supply and Budget Officer with the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne); all at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

In 1990, he joined the 353d Civil Affairs Command, The Bronx, New York. BG Elmo mobilized for Operation Just Cause in Panama, serving as the Deputy J-4 of the Civil Affairs Task Force. A year later he mobilized for Operation Desert Shield/Storm, serving first as a Joint Logistics Officer at the European Command headquarters in Vaihingen, Germany; and then as a Civil Affairs Officer during Operation Provide Comfort in Zakho, Iraq. Assigned as an administrator to a refugee camp in Northern Iraq, BG Elmo worked closely with the Kurds, providing relief supplies and logistics, and ultimately resettling them in their home territory. Next, he held a variety of positions within the 353d Civil Affairs Command, including three years as their HHC Commander. In 1996, he mobilized to Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina serving as Liaison Officer to Non-governmental and International Organizations during Operation Joint Endeavor. From 1997 through 2001, he served with the 353d as their Assistant G-5, and as Team Chief for Civil Affairs Operations and Plans with the U.S. Air Force, Europe.

In 2001, for two and a half years, BG Elmo commanded the Southern European Task Force (SETAF) Augmentation Unit based in Vicenza, Italy. Near the end of his tenure, he mobilized with his unit in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, serving as the Deputy Chief of Staff for SETAF. After a brief assignment to the US Southern Command in Miami, in 2003, BG Elmo assumed command the 3220th Garrison Support Unit, in West Palm Beach, Florida. In 2006, he assumed command of the 4,500 Soldier strong 1st Mission Support Command headquartered in San Juan, Puerto Rico. There, during a three and a half year tenure, he mobilized over 2,000 Soldiers in support of the Global War on Terror. He now serves as Deputy Commander of United States Army Africa, based in Vicenza, Italy.

BG Elmo’s personal awards include the: Legion of Merit Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Joint Service Commendation Medal, and the Army Commendation Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Achievement Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters. As a civilian, he is a United States Diplomat, assigned as the Management Officer of the United States Consulate in Milan, Italy.

All About Marietta, Ga & Surrounding Areas

A few nice real estate agents images I found:

All About Marietta, Ga & Surrounding Areas
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Image by Marcia Todd

Moving to the Marietta, GA (Atlanta) Area? I would love to help you find your next home.

Marcia Todd specializes in helping you make wise decisions in Real Estate.

Marcia Todd, REALTOR
Atlanta Communities

The Big Chicken
real estate agents
Image by Marcia Todd

Moving to the Marietta, GA (Atlanta) Area? I would love to help you find your next home.

Marcia Todd specializes in helping you make wise decisions in Real Estate.

Marcia Todd, REALTOR
Atlanta Communities

All About Marietta, Ga & Surrounding Areas
real estate agents
Image by Marcia Todd

Moving to the Marietta, GA (Atlanta) Area? I would love to help you find your next home.

Marcia Todd specializes in helping you make wise decisions in Real Estate.

Marcia Todd, REALTOR
Atlanta Communities

Nice Orange Real Estate photos

Some cool orange real estate images:

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Image by miamism

orange real estate
Image by miamism

Nice Real Estate Rentals photos

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Il Fontanile - Southern Tuscan Coast
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Image by trust_and_travel
Fontanile Apts living


Il Fontanile - Southern Tuscan Coast
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Image by trust_and_travel
Fontanile Apts Living


Cool Real Estate Websites images

Check out these real estate websites images:

Estia Real Estate Santorini
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Image by Joanna Dodd
© Joanna Dodd Web Design

What I did: Interface design, SEO.

Grunge, wood, texture. Website made by Joanna for her friend Barbara.
Status: Active

Spotted in the Local Real Estate Office Window: Pre-Foreclosure Quail Ridge 2br/2ba Condo, 0K
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Image by JoeInSouthernCA
This is a steal. Wow.

HOA Website: quail-ridge.org/

Cool Los Angeles Real Estate images

A few nice los angeles real estate images I found:

Houston Represent!
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Image by Morgantis
Real Estate BarCamp Los Angeles 2009

(CC) Morgan Brown. www.turnhere.com. Feel free to use this picture. Please credit as shown


A few nice maryland real estate images I found:

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Image by Elliott P

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Image by Elliott P

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Image by Elliott P
