
Nice Real Estate In Pa photos

A few nice real estate in pa images I found:

real estate in pa
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

real estate in pa
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

Marbella Real Estate

A few nice real estate spain images I found:

Marbella Real Estate
real estate spain
Image by lucasfoxbcn
Beautiful property on a 5000m2 plot with stunning views and beautiful landscaped gardens. Total privacy!
For further information on Marbella Country House for sale LFCDS138

Marbella Real Estate
real estate spain
Image by lucasfoxbcn
Beautiful property on a 5000m2 plot with stunning views and beautiful landscaped gardens. Total privacy!
For further information on Marbella Country House for sale LFCDS138

Quarry Bridge

A few nice florida real estate images I found:

Quarry Bridge
florida real estate
Image by ChrisBohn
The builder of home built this quarry bridge for viewing the main quarry and often let people use this site for weddings.

florida real estate
Image by ChrisBohn

Cabarete, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic Investing/Development For Sale - Ocean Beach Condo Project

A few nice real estate investing images I found:

Cabarete, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic Investing/Development For Sale - Ocean Beach Condo Project
real estate investing
Image by International Real Estate Listings
This brand new Cabarete, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic Investing/Development For Sale - Ocean Beach Condo Project image was just uploaded online at the World’s top international real estate site www.internationalrealestatelistings.com/

Check out the listing details here

Check out all of its pictures here

New free video reveals how to get your international property listing to page 1 of Google Search, have a property video made for you and have it dominate page 1 of Google Video and You Tube, and get social media interactions from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google Plus. Visit this link below for more details…


George Town, Exuma, The Bahamas, Bahamas Investing/Development For Sale - Bahamas Property
real estate investing
Image by International Real Estate Listings
This brand new George Town, Exuma, The Bahamas, Bahamas Investing/Development For Sale - Bahamas Property image was just uploaded online at the World’s top international real estate site www.internationalrealestatelistings.com/

Check out the listing details here

Check out all of its pictures here

GOLF COURSE LOT located in the Gran Pacifica development on the coast of Nicaragua. With currently around 200 completed condos, townhomes, and homes…this development is not some “future dream” but a paradise today. On offer is a golf course lot with over 1000 meters (about 11,000 square feet), and is walking distance to the beaches, tennis courts, and restaurants. Get more information (including property video) by following this link


Beachfront real estate in So Cal. Invest now! Salton Sea Beach.
real estate investing
Image by slworking2

RPM FIST AID SERVICES LTD. SAFTEY PROFESSIONALS featured at Buildex Vancouver-Photos Courtesy of Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBluePrinting-9

Some cool real estate training images:

RPM FIST AID SERVICES LTD. SAFTEY PROFESSIONALS featured at Buildex Vancouver-Photos Courtesy of Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBluePrinting-9
real estate training
BUILDEX VANCOUVER - Vancouver Convention Centre West
BUILDEX Vancouver is about designing, building and managing real estate.


For Other MMPI Canada Events visit


RPM FIST AID SERVICES LTD. SAFTEY PROFESSIONALS featured at Buildex Vancouver-Photos Courtesy of Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBluePrinting-17
real estate training
BUILDEX VANCOUVER - Vancouver Convention Centre West
BUILDEX Vancouver is about designing, building and managing real estate.


For Other MMPI Canada Events visit


RPM FIST AID SERVICES LTD. SAFTEY PROFESSIONALS featured at Buildex Vancouver-Photos Courtesy of Ron Sombilon Gallery and PacBluePrinting-13
real estate training
BUILDEX VANCOUVER - Vancouver Convention Centre West
BUILDEX Vancouver is about designing, building and managing real estate.


For Other MMPI Canada Events visit


Cool Century Real Estate images

Check out these century real estate images:

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Image by CENTURY 21®

century real estate
Image by CENTURY 21®

century real estate
Image by CENTURY 21®

Cool San Diego Real Estate images

A few nice san diego real estate images I found:

Hillcrest Party 4
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Image by Windermere Southern California

Hillcrest Party 2
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Image by Windermere Southern California

Haverhill | Sherwood Real Estate

A few nice real estate in california images I found:

Haverhill | Sherwood Real Estate
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Image by sherwoodrealestate
Sherwood Country Club Gated Communities in Westlake Village & Thousand Oaks, California

Haverhill | Sherwood Real Estate
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Image by sherwoodrealestate
Sherwood Country Club Gated Communities in Westlake Village & Thousand Oaks, California

Gunter Ranch, Gunter, Texas Historical Marker

Some cool north carolina real estate images:

Gunter Ranch, Gunter, Texas Historical Marker
north carolina real estate
Image by fables98
Established 1880s by Jot Gunter, developer of Texas real estate, prominent Grayson County businessman. In mid-1890s his ranch exceeded 20,000 acres. Gunter, born in North Carolina in 1845, came to Texas to practice law after he served in Confederate army. The town of Gunter, incorporated in 1914, was named for him.

Check out my new blog: fables86-texasroadtrips.blogspot.com/

north carolina real estate
Image by aawiseman
former UT and Redskins quarterback Heath Shuler is still a pretty well known guy in Knoxville, he has a real estate company. He's a congressman now in North Carolina

Nice Real Estate Nyc photos

Check out these real estate nyc images:

inman08 35.jpg
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Image by whiteafrican

Thomas Day Statue 4--Holding a Planer

Check out these north carolina real estate images:

Thomas Day Statue 4--Holding a Planer
north carolina real estate
Image by Universal Pops
This is a Creative Commons image, one you may use freely; however, in using on your web site, you need to recognize the work of the photographer by linking back to this photo. I’m always appreciative of your views and comments. Thank you!

Taken outside the North Carolina Museum of History, Raleigh. I had many interior shots of his finely-crafted furniture, but they were awful, overpowered by visual noise. This is a series of 7 images.

The following is from the Wikipedia article on Thomas Day. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Day_(North_Carolina)

“Thomas Day (c1801-c1861) was a free black American furniture designer and cabinetmaker in Caswell County, North Carolina. Day's furniture-making business became one of the largest of its kind in North Carolina, employing at one point up to twelve workers, and distributing furniture to wealthier customers throughout the state. Much of Day's furniture was produced for prominent political leaders, the state government, and the University of North Carolina.”

“Day began his cabinetmaking business in Milton, North Carolina with his brother, John Day, Jr., but his brother left Caswell County by 1825, leaving the cabinetry business solely to Thomas. John Day would later emigrate to Liberia and serve as Chief Justice of Liberia.”

“Day's furniture-making business, though owned by a free black American, employed the use of both black slaves and of white apprentices, despite the general belief that Day, as a free man, was of lower social stature than his white apprentices.”

“As a businessman, Day was quite successful, at one point becoming a stockholder in the State Bank of North Carolina, and Day owned significant real estate, including his place of business and residence. This was highly unusual for a free person of color in the era before the American Civil War. Day had even managed to steam-power much of his furniture-making implements, which aided greatly in his production volume and efficiency. A national economic panic in 1857 caused Day's furniture business to suffer heavily, and in 1861 or at some time shortly after, Thomas Day died, although his exact death date is not known due to the lack of local public records. Day's home and workshop have been restored and are significant points of local and state history. In addition, his furniture was and is still seen as some of the highest quality antebellum, native furniture in North Carolina. Pieces of Day's work have been displayed at various museums throughout North Carolina and Virginia, and an exhibit of Day's work opened at the North Carolina Museum of History in May, 2010.”

“Due to Day's status as a free black, and his unique achievements given the social and racial restrictions of the era, he is hailed as a highly important figure in the history of North Carolina's African American culture.”

1] www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ncccha/biographies/thomasday.html
2] www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/nchist-antebellum/5082
3] Thomas Day Education Project—http://thomasday.net/
4] North Carolina Museum of History press release—http://ncmuseumofhistory.org/wgo/press_04122010a.html
5] photos of furniture—http://www.ncdcr.gov/features/thomas_day.asp

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

John C. Westbrook
north carolina real estate
Image by Dystopos
J. C. Westbrook was born August 25, 1819, in Sampson County, North Carolina. He was the youngest of thirteen children. His father was a farmer of the slaveholding class, but relied upon the labor of his children, also, at the plow. The educational advantages he was able to give them were limited, and were confined, as far as they went, to a few months' attendance at the neighboring common schools. He set before them an example of industry, honesty, and patriotism, and thus instructed we will see that John C, of whom we have particularly to write, received a foundation of character upon which from early manhood he has erected a substantial and useful life. In 1827 his father moved his family southward in search of better land. He located in Fayette County, Georgia, and, after six years of hard work on the farm, both parents died. There were ten sons and three daughters left, and John C, then fifteen years of age, was the youngest. Immediately after the loss of his parents he set out to gain something more of an education, leaving an older brother in charge of the home. The Creek War breaking out at this time (1836) this brother volunteered under the American flag, and his course compelled John C. to abandon his laudable purpose to go to school. He took his brother's place on the farm, and labored faithfully to keep up the support of the household. In 1837 he succeeded in acquiring a few more and final months at school. In 1838 he enlisted in the ranks of the Federal volunteers, and the command to which he belonged was ordered to Fort Scudder, Cherokee County, Georgia. The Seminole war was then in its last stages, and the removal of the Cherokees was soon consummated. Upon the fulfillment of these purposes, which originated the call for volunteers, the troops were disbanded.

In 1839 Mr. Westbrook was employed by a clock manufacturer as traveling agent. In the fall of 1840 Mr. Westbrook immigrated to Tallapoosa, one of the central counties of Alabama, where he opened a farm, established a grist and saw mill, run by water power, and carried on a mercantile business, all on a small scale. His peaceful nature, but frank and courageous bearing, gave him good standing in a new country. He married in November, 1840, Elizabeth A. Lamberth, of Tallapoosa County, whose family had immigrated to Alabama that year.

In 1883 Mr. Westbrook moved to Birmingham. For ten years before that date he had bought and sold real estate in the city. Upon his removal to the city he entered largely into the market, buying eight thousand dollars worth of property, and improving it as he invested. Some example of his operations may be cited as illustrious of the success which good judgment and pluck and square dealings may attain. He offered some suburban real estate in 1884 at two hundred and fifty dollars per acre. It commands, January, 1887, two thousand dollars per acre. He bought seventeen acres in the spring of 1886 for one hundred and sixty dollars per acre. This now commands two thousand dollars per acre. Upon this latter tract he discovered a limestone bed, the stone being 75 per cent. lime. Besides operating on the suburbs, Mr. Westbrook has bought and sold some of the choicest lots in the business part of the city, with high profits. He had been a practical coal miner in the meantime, and in mercantile business in the produce line.

His marriage bore five children, one of them a son. The four daughters, now married and living near him in Birmingham, are the only survivors. He is connected with several corporations, among which we name, president of the Western Valley Street Railway; also, holds a directory in the Birmingham Agricultural Works.

A physical peculiarity Mr. Westbrook mentions in regard to himself may be worthy of mention. His average sleep out of twenty-four hours has not exceeded four hours as far back into his youth as his memory goes.

- from Jefferson County and Birmingham Alabama: History and Biographical, edited by John Witherspoon Dubose and published in 1887 by Teeple & Smith / Caldwell Printing Works, Birmingham, Alabama

Florida Park Home 2002 NW 12th Road Gainesville, FL 32605

Some cool florida real estate images:

Florida Park Home 2002 NW 12th Road Gainesville, FL 32605
florida real estate
Image by Kathleen Seide
This just might be the home you have been waiting for - a spacious, well maintained home in Florida Park near UF Campus. Walk or bike to campus, enjoy local restaurants, stores, and never worry about game day parking again.

Floorplan and details at

Florida Park Home 2002 NW 12th Road Gainesville, FL 32605
florida real estate
Image by Kathleen Seide
This just might be the home you have been waiting for - a spacious, well maintained home in Florida Park near UF Campus. Walk or bike to campus, enjoy local restaurants, stores, and never worry about game day parking again.

Floorplan and details at

Florida Park Home 2002 NW 12th Road Gainesville, FL 32605
florida real estate
Image by Kathleen Seide
This just might be the home you have been waiting for - a spacious, well maintained home in Florida Park near UF Campus. Walk or bike to campus, enjoy local restaurants, stores, and never worry about game day parking again.

Floorplan and details at

Nice New Jersey Real Estate photos

Check out these new jersey real estate images:

Michael Scully, Esq.
new jersey real estate
Image by Eastern Bergen County Board of REALTORS
A Refresher on Agency Responsibilities with Michael Scully, Esq.

Topics included:
* Keeping risk under control
* Timely and meaningful disclosure and consent
* Dealing with an unhappy client
* Regulatory compliance

Region I Educade - June 9, 2010
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Image by Eastern Bergen County Board of REALTORS
EBCBOR members at the Region I Educade.

Internet Security Workshop
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Image by Eastern Bergen County Board of REALTORS

Nice Michigan Real Estate photos

Some cool michigan real estate images:

More interior and real estate photography by Ann Arbor photographer, Jeeheon Cho Photography at www.jeeheoncho.com
michigan real estate
Image by jeeheon
More interior and real estate photography by Ann Arbor photographer, Jeeheon Cho Photography at www.jeeheoncho.com

More interior and real estate photography by Ann Arbor photographer, Jeeheon Cho Photography at www.jeeheoncho.com
michigan real estate
Image by jeeheon
More interior and real estate photography by Ann Arbor photographer, Jeeheon Cho Photography at www.jeeheoncho.com

More interior and real estate photography by Ann Arbor photographer, Jeeheon Cho Photography at www.jeeheoncho.com
michigan real estate
Image by jeeheon
More interior and real estate photography by Ann Arbor photographer, Jeeheon Cho Photography at www.jeeheoncho.com

Cool Maine Real Estate images

Some cool maine real estate images:

view from the picnic area
maine real estate
Image by Dana Moos
Rockwood Cottages is a 3.5 acre parcel on Moosehead Lake with a view of Mt.Kineo, offering 8 housekeeping cottages and an owner's home. A great place to vacation for a short stay or a couple weeks. A BBQ pit, play horseshoes, take a canoe out on the lake, bring your own boat, hike on Kineo, take a moose safari...this is a nature lovers paradise. A wonderful opportunity to own a recreational business.

owners' house kitchen and living room
maine real estate
Image by Dana Moos
Rockwood Cottages is a 3.5 acre parcel on Moosehead Lake with a view of Mt.Kineo, offering 8 housekeeping cottages and an owner's home. A great place to vacation for a short stay or a couple weeks. A BBQ pit, play horseshoes, take a canoe out on the lake, bring your own boat, hike on Kineo, take a moose safari...this is a nature lovers paradise. A wonderful opportunity to own a recreational business.

Case Study - 217 Broadway

Some cool nyc real estate images:

Case Study - 217 Broadway
nyc real estate
Image by peterwalshprojects
CORNER THREE, Block 88, Lot 1:
217 Broadway, New York City, 2002.
Astor Building. Owned for many years by Fur Trade and Real Estate Mogul John Jacob Astor (The building is not the 1834 Astor House described by Barnum).

houses and land wanted
nyc real estate
Image by Shira Golding
i can feel the gentrification coming.

Nice Real Estate Investors photos

Check out these real estate investors images:

The Real Estate Investor Manbag
real estate investors
Image by i am real estate photographer
Here is what's inside.

Cool Wa Real Estate images

Some cool wa real estate images:

Raleigh Cabinets
wa real estate
Image by Bryan Design - virsago_mk2
Cabinetry by Raleigh Cabinets of WA, 1 February 2013

Raleigh Cabinets
wa real estate
Image by Bryan Design - virsago_mk2
Cabinetry by Raleigh Cabinets of WA, 1 February 2013

Cool Nyc Real Estate images

A few nice nyc real estate images I found:

Real Estate developments appear across the board, even in areas that some critics refer to as "The Yellow Properties".
nyc real estate
Image by semarr

Nice Mexico Real Estate photos

Some cool mexico real estate images:

Beautiful sunset in Ajijic, Lake Chapala
mexico real estate
Image by Lloyd Real Estate

Woman in Mexican tradicional costume holding a water pitcher.
mexico real estate
Image by Lloyd Real Estate

Goldwater Estate

A few nice arizona real estate images I found:

Goldwater Estate
arizona real estate
Image by PrimeImageMedia.com
Goldwater Estate

Goldwater Estate
arizona real estate
Image by PrimeImageMedia.com
Goldwater Estate

Goldwater Estate
arizona real estate
Image by PrimeImageMedia.com
Goldwater Estate


A few nice la real estate images I found:

la real estate
Image by Bandit Queen
View from Alberni & Thrulow.
I took several photos of the site between February 05 and march 08.

Check the video on Youtube

La Bencontenta - Frassanelle - Veneto
la real estate
Image by trust_and_travel
Bedroom 2nd floor


La Foce - Tuscany
la real estate
Image by trust_and_travel
Senza titolo


Nice Los Angeles Real Estate photos

Check out these los angeles real estate images:

Kaye Thomas at rebcla
los angeles real estate
Image by Morgantis
Real Estate BarCamp Los Angeles 2009

(CC) Morgan Brown. www.turnhere.com. Feel free to use this picture. Please credit as shown

Laurrie Manny, Irina Netchaev, Ana Connell rebcla
los angeles real estate
Image by Morgantis
Real Estate BarCamp Los Angeles 2009

(CC) Morgan Brown. www.turnhere.com. Feel free to use this picture. Please credit as shown

Half-Baked at REBCLA
los angeles real estate
Image by Morgantis
Real Estate BarCamp Los Angeles 2009

(CC) Morgan Brown. www.turnhere.com. Feel free to use this picture. Please credit as shown
