
Cool Pa Real Estate images

Check out these pa real estate images:

pa real estate
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

pa real estate
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

Soufriere, Soufriere, Dominica Investing/Development For Sale - ESTATE FOR SALE

A few nice international real estate images I found:

Soufriere, Soufriere, Dominica Investing/Development For Sale - ESTATE FOR SALE
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Image by International Real Estate Listings
This brand new Soufriere, Soufriere, Dominica Investing/Development For Sale - ESTATE FOR SALE image was just uploaded online at the World’s top international real estate site www.internationalrealestatelistings.com/

Check out the listing details here

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Ocean Club Estates, Paradise Island, Bahamas Single Family Home For Sale - Bahamas Ocean Club Home for Sale
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Image by International Real Estate Listings
This brand new Ocean Club Estates, Paradise Island, Bahamas Single Family Home For Sale - Bahamas Ocean Club Home for Sale image was just uploaded online at the World’s top international real estate site www.internationalrealestatelistings.com/

Check out the listing details here

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Image by Elliott P

Wittocx Interieur

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This is more of a decorative touch, but an insert could be added to make it functional again.

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The mining tails provide very unique contour and landscape setting on this property.

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Kolkata Properties - Real Estate India - Unitech Cascades
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Image by nancyarora2020
www.axiomestates.com/real-estate/properties.php?city=Kolk... Town Rajarhat&property=Unitech Cascades&curr=inr

Uniworld Cascades is a stunning new development on more then 100 Acres land (400 thousand Square Meters) with 80% area reserved for greens. Designed by RMJM of UK, renowned for architecture and landscaping, it's the only Development in Kolkata with world class amenities, unmatched quality of construction & design keeping Indian lifestyle features in mind. Developed by Unitech, a world top 50 developer with completed developments like Nirvana Country & South City, Gurgaon, Delhi to it's name. Unitech Cascades offers 2 to 4 bedroom apartments, equipped with modern lifestyle amenities to include swimming pool, gym, steam and sauna, kid's play area, indoor and outdoor sports, 100% power backup, etc.

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USACE quality assurance inspector talks with real estate specialist in Minot, N.D.
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Image by USACE HQ
MINOT, N.D. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its contractors began removing temporary clay levees here, Aug. 15, 201, that were put in place during the flood fight. Photographed are USACE quality assurance inspector Robert Hoff and Corps real estate specialist Lister J. Warren. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) tasked the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with assisting the North Dakota Souris River communities in recovering from devestating floods. Tasks assigned to the Corps include debris removal and building temporary group housing sites. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Shannon Bauer)

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The Address by Sunland (Interior & Patio)
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Image by SunlandGroup
The premier garden residences at The Address are conceived as pavilions within a lush sub-tropical garden. In these duplex, double or single story (lowset homes), courtyards and gardens are key living spaces: green retreats for entertaining relaxation and contemplation. This luxurious property development is located in Sanctuary Cove, QLD Australia. Photography by Peter Sexty.

View more at The Address | Sanctuary Cove

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CRPF, Central Reserve Police Force (www.crpf.nic.in), Group Centre Pune, at Talegaon, on Old Mumbai Pune Highway (NH4)
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John & Diana of Chirco Title Company - REIA of Macomb's 2010 Info Conference
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Michigan's Premier Real Estate Investor Association www.REIAofMacomb.com Your first meeting is always FREE just call (586) 435-7113 for a FREE VIP PASS today!

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Promenade at City Hall, RSM
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Image by johna705
Licensed under a Attribution creative commons. Use freely but give attribution to John Alesi and link to www.YourOCHome.com.

Theater in Rancho Santa Margarita
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Image by johna705
Licensed under a Attribution creative commons. Use freely but give attribution to John Alesi and link to www.YourOCHome.com.

The Last Days Of The Fulton Fish Market

Check out these real estate in india images:

The Last Days Of The Fulton Fish Market
real estate in india
Image by drp
It's 4:30 AM in the morning. Freezing, cold wind blasts off Manhattan's East River. The last of New York City's drunken revelers are sauntering home, but Mike Cioffi, braving the chill in a bomber jacket, fingerless gloves, and carrying a one-foot steel fishhook, has work to do. He is a fishmonger at the Fulton Fish Market in downtown Manhattan. Like many of the men at this market, Cioffi has worked in the same spot where he now stands for 35 years. "It was like I was born here," he says.

At 184 years, the Fulton Fish Market is America's oldest. Every morning from 2 AM until a little after 9 AM its cobblestone streets are bustling with speeding forklifts, white delivery vans, crates of fish stacked five high, and fishmongers like Cioffi. Ships once docked directly at this port, but today fish is delivered almost exclusively by truck.

Soon the stalls, the men, and of course the fish will be moved into a sprawling, new location at Hunts Point in the Bronx. What won't be moved are the market's rough charm and the deep-rooted sense of history that this place engenders. "I hate to see the market move because of the history. It's progress I guess," says Ronni Di Gregario, who has worked at the market for 32 years.

The city is quick to advertise the new 400,000-square-foot facility's modern refrigeration, increased loading space, and executive offices. They have been less clear on development plans for the evacuated market on Fulton Street, but judging by its proximity to the tourist-heavy South Street Sea Port and the sky rocketing value of Manhattan real estate, an expansion of the Sea Port's shopping malls, restaurants, and residential complexes seems likely.

Some at the Fulton Fish Market are excited about the new location, anticipating increased business from being next to Hunt's Point's meat and vegetables markets. "I am looking forward to the move," says Michael Driansky, who put two kids through college on his 28 years of service at the market. "It's going to be one-stop shopping."

"It's going to be a better environment," agrees Patrick Grosso. "After 28 years outside, I feel like a weathered fence, even though I look good for my age."

Still most of the men - there are no women on the market floor and few in the upstairs offices - seem morose over the move. "This is part of us," says Mike Rizzoto, spreading his arms out to the frenetic bustle of forklifts, steel hook-carrying men, and deep, blue, morning sky.

It's now 6 AM and dawn is breaking across the water, spreading warm tendrils of orange light through the spires of the Brooklyn Bridge and lighting up the top half of the market's two-story buildings. A few yards away, a group of men gathers around a metal trashcan. Spent fish crates and driftwood are burning inside of it, sending huge flames and smoke into the air. Pat O'Conner, who has lived on the streets around the market for 16 years, is among them.

Thumbing an open can of Mustang malt liquor only half hidden in his winter coat, O-Conner details the names of the loading bays by the water: Coal Chute, Pier 20, and Stephanie. A red brick building behind him, now prime real estate, was once a brothel, he explains. He puts his hands forward and warms them over the small inferno inside the trashcan. Three Korean men huddle near, keeping themselves warm and adding driftwood to the burning pile.

Despite not actually having an official job at the market - sometimes he helps move crates for a few dollars - O'Conner plans on leaving with it to Hunt's Point. "Down here it's more like a family," he says of the deep camaraderie at the market. "I think the people here, they are going to miss us."

- Work Magazine

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jesse in kabul in the 70's . in one of the good hotel rooms .
real estate in india
Image by jesse edwards
now i sit at the keyboard in my bare feet and think how it came to be . the army taught me to type in 1968 and since then i have used their teachings a lot and if you are lucky you will have books instead of bullets to carry .i have carried both in my time and in my life i would carry books .
now i can remember how it was on the back of a bus with sandals on and how different it felt on the back of a truck with boots on . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . and we did our share of damage to the day and night while we were there , and i pleade guilty to being a loud neighbor . . . . . . . . .

Obama Heading For a Second Term Despite Failures
real estate in india
Image by davemakkar
The Majority of Indians living in America think that religion, cast, and color; factors playing a dominant role in India elections-are irrelevant in American elections. But if one takes a close look at Presidential Elections in America, one can tell that all of these factors do matter here too. Since Clinton ’s time, Hispanic votes have remained a key factor for a Republican to win the White House.

Romney, since he started Campaigning, has alienated Hispanic voters by repeatedly declaring that “He is not in favor of Amnesty to illegal immigrants,” knowing that the majority is Hispanics. He is ignoring the facts that Bush owes both of his terms to the Hispanics for his promise of granting some kind of status to the illegal immigrants. The fact that Bush’s own party did not let him do so, is beside the point. It looks like Romney is not practical at all for ignoring 13 million illegal immigrants as per official records, though the real number could well be in the vicinity of 20 million. Romney should know that all of them cannot be deported. They are human beings and we as Americans have to come up with some kind of amnesty scheme to honor humanity.

If one looks at the simple mathematics, there are 16.5% Hispanics, 13.5% African Americans, and 6% Asian votes. In the last election Obama got 75% of the Hispanic, 96% of the African American, and 95% of the Asian votes. Obama has done nothing wrong to this vote Bank other than annoying some African-Americans by granting Marriage Equality to gay and lesbian couples. At the same time Obama has brought a scheme under which some of the illegal immigrants under the age of 30 can get an Employment Authorization Card and will not be deported for 2yrs. The Hispanic votes will not drop, instead, may go up slightly to keep the sum game for Obama to still lead by 32% over Romney in this vote Bank.

Obama’s Victory points to Immigration Reforms: Congress’ leading Hispanic lawmaker, Democratic Representative Luis Gutierrez, predicts that if President Barack Obama is re-elected, a weakened Republican Party will strike a deal with him on immigration reform next year. The Illinois Democrat says he has received no promises from the Obama administration on immigration reform, but he tells The Hill he is “absolutely positive” that Obama will make immigration reform a priority during his second term.

Now, let’s talk about 64% White votes that Obama is sure to get 35-40% of because of his support for gay marriage and some liberal issues as well as support for illegal immigrants. Obama is also getting support for his foreign policy. This policy is of not starting new wars, rather gradually pulling American soldiers out from the countries that Republican President Bush put them in under a façade of War against Islamic Terrorism. The only thing Obama has to talk about with the voters is about his glaring failures on economic front. His opponent Romney is exploiting this to the maximum.

Romney’s main slogan, after calling for more military spending, means more wars and trashing illegal immigrants is “Economic recovery via 20% tax cut for rich to create jobs”. Even this has become a center of a big controversy for him. The Tax Policy Center has issued a report on August 1st, 2012 saying that Romney’s numbers don’t add up and his stated tax-reform goals can't all be achieved simultaneously. The report cited five Romney objectives: cutting income-tax rates by 20 percent, being "revenue neutral" for the government, repealing the estate tax, repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax, and preserving and enhancing incentives for saving and investment.

The Tax Policy Center calculated that even with all tax breaks they assume to be available under Romney's criteria were wiped out for high-income earners; it wouldn't be enough to keep Romney's plan revenue neutral. Middle- or lower-income households would need to kick an extra billion a year to meet the target.

In effect, the report raised the prospect of higher taxes on the middle class. In stark language, it said achieving Romney's goals is "not possible" without shifting a higher share of the tax burden onto middle- or lower-income households. Even a recent study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service found that over the past 65 years, tax cuts for rich have been linked to economic inequality but not economic growth. This is putting fears in the minds of the Middle class and telling them not to vote for Romney. They would rather give Obama the second term despite his failures on economic recovery and jobs.

It is a universal fact that Israel /The Jewish lobby has a big influence on America ; financially, politically, judicially, militarily, and culturally. Both Obama and Romney are financed by this lobby. A majority of Americans think Obama will not put America under the Bus for this lobby, but Romney can certainly put America under the Bus and can push America into more wars to serve the interest of Israeli and Defense lobby. The proof is Romney taking money from Sheldon Adelson that keeps Israel above America . Moreover, Romney made a public statement that he will out source America ’s Middle East Policy to Israel.

A majority of Americans are disgusted and disturbed with Sheldon Adelson’s machinations with a view to creating world history as a single person by pumping in hundreds of millions from his billion empire to defeat Obama for his personal reasons.

1. He does not like Obama’s 2 state formula for Palestine & Israel.
2. He does not like Obama’s proposal to tax foreign income of US companies because Adelson makes 90% of his money from foreign countries.
3. He does not like the Obama administration investigating him for money laundering and violation of Foreign Trade Practices.

Sheldon Adelson’s money bomb to defeat Obama will be another factor in Obama’s favor to get him re-elected for a second term as US President.

Looking at all the above factors it looks like there is no alternative to Obama. Americans, and the rest of the world, must prepare for Obama’s second term despite his glaring failures on economic recovery and jobs in America. Potential voters are prepared to ignore Obama’s failures on economic front in the face of an economic forecast by eminent economists. Macroeconomic Advisors in April predicted a gain of 12.3 million jobs followed by Moody’s Analytics prediction in August that 12 million jobs will be created by 2016, no matter who is president. It looks like slow moving recovery is also in favor of Obama if Moody’s and Macroeconomic Adisors are right; that will put Obama in the leaugue of only 2 Presidents Reagan and Clinton who created more than 12 mil jobs in 4 years.
Obama is likely to stay put in the White House for another 4 years unless a miracle happens that Romney gets 80-85% of the White votes!

Dave Makkar

London Bridge, Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Check out these real estate in arizona images:

London Bridge, Lake Havasu City, Arizona
real estate in arizona
Image by Ken Lund
The London Bridge, currently located in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA, was originally constructed in London, in 1831. The bridge was the last project of engineer John Rennie and completed by his son, also named John Rennie. By 1962, the bridge was not structurally sound enough to support the increased load created by the level of modern traffic crossing it, and it was sold by the City of London.

The purchaser, Robert McCulloch, was the founder of Lake Havasu and the chairman of McCulloch Oil Corporation. McCulloch was purported to have purchased the bridge to serve as a tourist attraction to his retirement real estate development at Lake Havasu City, which at that time was far off the usual tourist track. The idea was successful, bringing interested tourists and retirement home buyers to the area.

The bridge facing stones were carefully disassembled and each piece was numbered. After the bridge was dismantled it was transported to Merrivale Quarry where 150mm to 200mm was sliced off many of the original stones. These were shipped to the bridge's present location and re-assembly began in 1968. The original stone was used to clad a concrete structure, so that the bridge is no longer the original it is modeled after.[2] The reconstruction took slightly over three years and was completed in late 1971. Today, it serves as a popular tourist attraction for the city.

It is a popular rumour that the bridge was bought in the belief that it was London's more recognizable Tower Bridge[3][4], but this was ardently denied by McCulloch himself and has been debunked by Ivan Luckin, who sold the bridge.[5]

Recent years have seen a large amount of development in the area of the bridge to increase tourist interest, though much of the development has been met with criticism by local residents. The original "English Village", a quaint English-style open air mall with hedge maze and historical museum, has deteriorated, with sections leveled. Many compare the changes to those now seen on the American side of Niagara Falls, where ill-planned growth caused the swift decline in the desirability of the area.


London Bridge is a bridge between the City of London and Southwark in London, England, over the River Thames. Situated between Cannon Street Railway Bridge and Tower Bridge, it forms the western end of the Pool of London. On the south side of the bridge are Southwark Cathedral and London Bridge station; on the north side are the Monument to the Great Fire of London and Monument tube station.

It was the only bridge over the Thames downstream from Kingston until Westminster Bridge opened in 1750.

The bridge carries part of the A3 road, which is maintained by the Greater London Authority;[1] the bridge itself is owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates (see City Bridge Trust), an independent charity overseen by the City of London Corporation.

Tower Bridge is often mistakenly referred to as London Bridge.[2] The area between London Bridge and Tower Bridge on the south side of the Thames is a Business Improvement District (BID) and is managed by Team London Bridge.[3]

A bridge has existed at or near the present site over the period from the Roman occupation of the area, nearly 2,000 years ago. The first bridge across the Thames in the London area, probably a military pontoon bridge, was built of wood by the Romans on the present site around 50 AD.

Around 55 AD, a piled bridge was constructed, and the local Britons built a small trading settlement next to it—the town of Londinium. The settlement and the bridge were destroyed in a revolt led by Queen Boudicca in 60 AD. The victory was short-lived, and soon afterwards the Romans defeated the rebels and set about building a new walled town. Some of the 2nd century Roman wall has survived to this day. The new town and bridge were built around the position of the present bridge, providing access to the south-coast ports via Stane Street (the A3 route) and Watling Street (the A2).

The bridge fell into disrepair after the Romans left. As Londinium was also abandoned, there was little need for a bridge at this point and in the Saxon period the river was a political boundary between the hostile kingdoms of Mercia and Wessex. With the impact of the Viking invasions, the reconquest of the Roman city by the kings of Wessex and its re-occupation by Alfred the Great, the political conditions arose for a Saxon bridge crossing to be placed here. However, there is no archaeological evidence for a bridge before Aethelred's reign and his attempts to stem the Sweinian invasions of the 990s. In 1014, according to a much later skaldic tradition, the bridge was pulled down by the Norwegian prince Olaf, as he was aiding King Aethelred in what, if true, was a successful bid to divide the defending forces of the Danes who held the walled City of London plus Southwark, thereby regaining London for the Anglo-Saxon king. This episode might have inspired the well-known nursery rhyme "London Bridge is Falling Down", although the version of the song known today refers to the many bridges that were destroyed and rebuilt, and the trading done on the shops over it ("Silver and Gold") in the 14th century,[4] so the song's origin is presumably of a much later date.

The earliest contemporary written reference to a Saxon bridge is in 1016, when it was by-passed by King Cnut's ships in his war to regain the throne from Edmund II "Ironside". The rebuilt Norman London Bridge was destroyed in 1091 by a storm that spawned a T8/F4 tornado, which also struck St Mary-le-Bow, and is known as the London Tornado of 1091.[5] The repair or replacement of this was carried out by William II "Rufus" through forced labour, along with the works at the new St Paul's Cathedral and the development of the Tower of London. It was destroyed yet again, this time by fire, in 1136.

By the end of the 18th century, it was apparent that the old London Bridge—by then over 600 years old—needed to be replaced. It was narrow, decrepit, and blocked river traffic. In 1799, a competition for designs to replace the old bridge was held, prompting the engineer Thomas Telford to propose a bridge with a single iron arch spanning 600 feet (180 m). However, this design was never used, owing to uncertainty about its feasibility and the amount of land needed for its construction. The bridge was eventually replaced by a structure of five stone arches, designed by engineer John Rennie. The new bridge was built 100 feet (30 m) west (upstream) of the original site by Rennie's son (of the same name). Work began in 1824 and the foundation stone was laid, in the southern cofferdam, on 15th June 1825. The old bridge continued in use as the new bridge was being built, and was demolished after the latter opened in 1831. The scheme necessitated the building of major new approach roads, which cost three times that of the bridge itself. The total construction cost of around £2.5 million was met by the Corporation of London and government. The contractors were Jolliffe and Banks of Merstham, Surrey. A fragment from the old bridge is set into the tower arch inside St Katherine's Church, Merstham.

Rennie's bridge had a length of 928 feet (283 m) and a width of 49 feet (15 m). Haytor granite was used in the construction, transported via the unique Haytor Granite Tramway. The official opening took place on 1 August 1831; King William IV and Queen Adelaide attended a banquet in a pavilion erected on the bridge. The recently constructed HMS Beagle was the first ship to pass under it.

London Bridge was widened in 1902–04 from 52 to 65 feet (16 to 20 m), in an attempt to combat London's chronic traffic congestion. A dozen of the granite "pillars" quarried and dressed for this widening, but unused, still lie near Swelltor Quarry on the disused railway track a couple of miles south of Princetown on Dartmoor. In the end, the widening work proved too much for the bridge's foundations; it was subsequently discovered that the bridge was sinking an inch (3 cm) every eight years. By 1924, the east side of the bridge was some three to four inches (102 mm) lower than the west side; it soon became apparent that this bridge would have to be removed and replaced with a more modern one.

In 1967, the Common Council of the City of London placed the bridge on the market and began to look for potential buyers. Council member Ivan Luckin had put forward the idea of selling the bridge, and recalled: "They all thought I was completely crazy when I suggested we should sell London Bridge when it needed replacing." On 18 April 1968, Rennie's bridge was sold to the American entrepreneur Robert P. McCulloch of McCulloch Oil for US,460,000. The claim that McCulloch believed mistakenly that he was buying the more impressive Tower Bridge was denied by Luckin in a newspaper interview. [8] As the bridge was taken apart, each piece was numbered to aid re-assembly. The bridge was reconstructed at Lake Havasu City, Arizona, and re-dedicated on 10 October 1971. The reconstruction of Rennie's London Bridge spans the Bridgewater Channel canal that leads from Lake Havasu to Thomson Bay, and forms the centrepiece of a theme park in English style, complete with a Tudor period shopping mall. Rennie's London Bridge has become Arizona's second-biggest tourist attraction, after the Grand Canyon. [9]

The version of London Bridge that was rebuilt at Lake Havasu consists of a concrete frame with stones from the Old London Bridge used as cladding. The cladding stones used are 150 to 200 millimetres (6 to 8 inches) thick. The remaining stone was left at Merrivale Quarry at Princetown in Devon.[10] When Merrivale Quarry was abandoned and flooded in 2003, some of the remaining stone was sold in an online auction.[11]

One part of Rennie's Bridge which remains is that on the south-side spanning the junction of Tooley Street and Montague Close.


In 1968, McCulloch was searching for a unique attraction for his city, which eventually took him to London. By the early 1960s it was apparent that John Rennie's 1831 London Bridge was gradually sinking into the River Thames and Greater London Council decided that a new bridge would need to be built. Rather than demolish the existing bridge, they decided to put the historic landmark on the auction block.

When casting his bid for the bridge, McCulloch doubled the estimated cost of dismantling the structure, which was US.2 million, bringing the price to US.4 million. He then added on US,000, a thousand dollars for each year of his age at the time he estimated the bridge would be raised in Arizona[2]. His gesture earned him the winning bid.

It took three years to complete the project. The structure was dismantled block by block, with each section marked and numbered, in much the same way the bridge was originally built. The granite pieces were stacked at the Surrey Commercial Docks, and then were shipped through the Panama Canal, to Long Beach, California. From Long Beach, the granite blocks were trucked inland 300 miles (500 km). The bridge was reassembled by matching the numbered stones and filling in the area under the bridge with mounds of desert sand to support each arch as it was reconstructed.

The reconstructed attraction was officially opened on October 10, 1971, with a gala celebration. Opening day included an elaborate fanfare: fireworks, a parade, entertainment, and celebrities, such as Bonanza's Lorne Greene, and dignitaries such as the Lord Mayor of London. [2]

With the purchase of the bridge, McCulloch accelerated his development campaign, increasing the number of flights into the city. At the time, the airport was located on the island. The free flights to Lake Havasu lasted until 1978, and reportedly they totalled 2,702 flights, bringing in 37,000 prospective buyers.[2]

A popular, and implausible, urban legend is that McCulloch mistakenly believed that he was buying the more impressive Tower Bridge. The bridge had been heavily marketed by the London Council in an effort to sell it worldwide. Ivan Luckin, the council member who sold the bridge has always stated that London sold the bridge honestly.[3]


Nice Wa Real Estate photos

A few nice wa real estate images I found:

Willcox House Entrance
wa real estate
Image by Michael D Martin
A very interesting old Inn located in Seabeck WA. Many famous people have slept here.

A mile-long drive through a canopy of trees leads to this unique home, a signature work of architect Lionel Pries. Set on over 8 acres of 500 ft of pristine waterfront with a 300 ft dock. Dramatic views combine with quality craftsmanship to create the old-world charm of fine European manors. The mansion has a copper roof and custom scalloped shingle siding. Inside you will find a library, Colonel's pub, billiard & theatre rooms. Each bedroom has it's own bath. Lush garden with ponds & waterfall. If interested, I'll send you a link to the whole tour of the inn.

I was inspired to post this by one of my FlickR buddies. See below

44 Vinehill Drive Walla Walla WA
wa real estate
Image by glasater_99362
A property I was asked to photograph for one of my clients. Wanted to give it some extra "snap" and thought I would try HDR.
Three images taken at two stop apart and combined in Photoshop CS3's HDR processing. Am going to look into Photomatix very soon.

4046 NW Astor Street
wa real estate
Image by dalechumbley
This home is one that a buyer of mine is in the process of purchasing. If all goes well this will be the Pope’s home by the middle of July. Welcome to Washington and more specifically welcome to Camas.

Signorello Estate Winery, Napa Valley, California, USA

Some cool investing in real estate images:

Signorello Estate Winery, Napa Valley, California, USA
investing in real estate
Image by jimg944
Signorello Estate Winery, Napa Valley, California, USA

History of the Signorello Estate Winery:

Starting the Venture
Ray Signorello Jr. began his journey as winemaker and vineyard owner in the Napa Valley during the mid 1980's. Ray, born in San Francisco, California, moved to Vancouver, Canada where the Signorello family continues to maintain a home. Ray divides his time between Napa, San Francisco, Vancouver and business related travel. Ray's father, Ray Sr., initiated the vineyard project during the mid 1970's by purchasing the 100-acre estate located on the Silverado Trail in the beautiful Napa Valley. Ray Sr. worked side by side with Ray Jr., establishing the winery's reputation for excellence until his passing in the fall of 1998.

No Turning Back
Signorellos' original plan was to grow quality grapes to sell to existing wineries, but the harvest of 1985 changed this plan into a new level of evolvement. The bountiful crop allowed Signorellos to custom crush the excess grapes. This opportunity demonstrated what fabulous wine their vineyards were capable of producing. The project continues to grow, as do the spectacular 42 acres planted in several different varietals. Ray's continuing effort represents the invested energies that created this reality from a dream.

In 1986 the Signorellos began the second phase of the venture, this was the building of the main winery structure. This beautiful building is used for barrel storage, wine tasting and retail sales. Along with the building of the winery, wine production was expanded to include Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir. By the end of the 1980's the Signorello family was thoroughly committed to making wine as well as growing grapes.

The decade of the nineties proved to be pivotal for Signorello Estate. In 1990 the first planting of red varietals began on the property- Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Syrah.

What brought the Signorellos to the Napa Valley was the romantic side of winemaking; growing grapes, working the land, and enjoying the wine country lifestyle of camaraderie, good wine and great meals. While the Valley lifestyle is a very real part of the business, there is a serious responsibility to making a dream become a reality, both father and son realized this fact early in the endeavor.

This venture was a dream; now it is reality.

Signorello Estate Winery, Napa Valley, California, USA
investing in real estate
Image by jimg944
Signorello Estate Winery, Napa Valley, California, USA

History of the Signorello Estate Winery:

Starting the Venture
Ray Signorello Jr. began his journey as winemaker and vineyard owner in the Napa Valley during the mid 1980's. Ray, born in San Francisco, California, moved to Vancouver, Canada where the Signorello family continues to maintain a home. Ray divides his time between Napa, San Francisco, Vancouver and business related travel. Ray's father, Ray Sr., initiated the vineyard project during the mid 1970's by purchasing the 100-acre estate located on the Silverado Trail in the beautiful Napa Valley. Ray Sr. worked side by side with Ray Jr., establishing the winery's reputation for excellence until his passing in the fall of 1998.

No Turning Back
Signorellos' original plan was to grow quality grapes to sell to existing wineries, but the harvest of 1985 changed this plan into a new level of evolvement. The bountiful crop allowed Signorellos to custom crush the excess grapes. This opportunity demonstrated what fabulous wine their vineyards were capable of producing. The project continues to grow, as do the spectacular 42 acres planted in several different varietals. Ray's continuing effort represents the invested energies that created this reality from a dream.

In 1986 the Signorellos began the second phase of the venture, this was the building of the main winery structure. This beautiful building is used for barrel storage, wine tasting and retail sales. Along with the building of the winery, wine production was expanded to include Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir. By the end of the 1980's the Signorello family was thoroughly committed to making wine as well as growing grapes.

The decade of the nineties proved to be pivotal for Signorello Estate. In 1990 the first planting of red varietals began on the property- Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Syrah.

What brought the Signorellos to the Napa Valley was the romantic side of winemaking; growing grapes, working the land, and enjoying the wine country lifestyle of camaraderie, good wine and great meals. While the Valley lifestyle is a very real part of the business, there is a serious responsibility to making a dream become a reality, both father and son realized this fact early in the endeavor.

This venture was a dream; now it is reality.

Cool Real Estate In Pa images

Check out these real estate in pa images:

real estate in pa
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

real estate in pa
Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

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Image by Rodrigo_Soldon
Monte-Carlo (en monégasque Monte-Carlu) est l'un des onze quartiers de la cité-État de la principauté de Monaco. C'est le plus connu, avec son célèbre casino.

Monte-Carlo (le « Mont-Charles ») porte ce nom italien en l'honneur du prince Charles III de Monaco et ce depuis le 1er juillet 1866.

Ce nom a été adapté en monégasque : Monte-Carlu [ˌmõteˈkaʀlu]. Cette appellation récente sonnant particulièrement bien a été donnée au lieu-dit les Spélugues (à comprendre les « Grottes » ; en monégasque Ë Speřüghe, du roman commun et au singulier *speluca, correspondant au latin classique spelunca lui-même issu du grec 'σπήλαιον'='spèlaion' signifiant grotte) après son urbanisation (Casino) : ne disait-on pas que l'ancien nom portait malchance puisqu'en allemand Spelunke (pluriel Spelunken) malgré son étymologie identique, désigne un « établissement douteux ».

Ce sont les règles typographiques relatives aux toponymes en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale qui imposent d'écrire Monte-Carlo avec un trait d'union. Il existe une commune italienne graphiée Montecarlo située dans la province de Lucques en Italie ; ses habitants sont les montecarlesi.

On prononce généralement« Monté-Carlo », mais certains disent « Monté-Carl' ». On n'utilise pas d'autre gentilé que Monégasques pour les habitants de Monte-Carlo.

Monte-Carlo est le quartier le plus célèbre de Monaco, au point d'être parfois confondu avec le pays entier, ou considéré — à tort — comme sa capitale. Les plaques automobiles de la Principauté portent la mention "MC" rappelant Monte Carlo alors qu'il s'agit d'une abréviation de Monaco. RMC (Radio Monte-Carlo) porte le nom du quartier et non celui du pays. Pour les courses automobiles, il y a le Grand Prix automobile de Monaco et le Rallye automobile Monte-Carlo.

Le développement de Monte-Carlo entraîna la création d'une véritable « banlieue » en territoire français qui devint une commune sous le nom de Beausoleil en 1904 et que l'on avait d'abord pensé appeler Monte-Carlo supérieur.

En 1856, le Prince de Monaco, pour créer des ressources, autorise l'ouverture d'un casino. Après une première installation infructueuse dans le Monaco historique (Munegu Autu - Monaco Ville), en 1862, on élève à Monte-Carlo, pour les jeux, une humble bâtisse (inaugurée en 1863) qui reste isolée, nul ne voulant acheter aux alentours un terrain avec obligation de construire. Mais tout va changer quand François Blanc, le directeur du casino de Bad Homburg, ville d'eau hessoise (située dans l'État de Hesse-Hombourg) devient concessionnaire. Grâce à ses talents et à ses capitaux, il réussit là où ses prédécesseurs s'étaient ruinés : en peu d'années, la vogue est acquise et une ville couvre bientôt le plateau de ses constructions de luxe.

En 1911, la constitution monégasque divisa la principauté en trois communes, la Commune de Monte-Carlo fut ainsi créée couvrant également les actuels quartiers de La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins et Saint Michel. En 1917, on revint à une commune unique pour toute la principauté.
Monte Carlo é um dos 11 bairros de Mónaco. Conhecida estância luxuosa, conhecida pelo seu glamour, celebridades que enxameiam as revistas cor de rosa, praias e casinos.

É aí que se situa o Circuito do Mónaco, onde decorre o Grande Prémio do Mónaco de Fórmula 1. É palco, ainda, de competições de boxe, apresentações de moda e outros eventos de grande repercussão cultural.

Em uma pesquisa realizada em 2009 pelo Global Property Guide ("Word´s Most Expensives Residential Real Estate Markets 2009"), os imóveis em Monte Carlo foram considerados os mais caros do mundo, com o metro quadrado custando 47.578 dólares, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada, Moscou

Monte Carlo (French: Monte-Carlo, Occitan: Montcarles, Monégasque: Monte-Carlu) is one of Monaco's administrative areas.The official capital is the city of Monaco, which is coterminous with the country itself.
Monte Carlo is widely known for its casino. The permanent population is about 3,000. Monte Carlo quarter includes not only Monte Carlo proper where the Le Grand Casino is located, it also includes the neighbourhoods of Saint-Michel, Saint-Roman/Tenao, and the beach community of Larvotto. It borders the French town of Beausoleil (sometimes referred to as Monte-Carlo-Supérieur).

Founded in 1866, Monte Carlo has a name of Italian origin meaning "Mount Charles", in honor of the then-reigning prince, Charles III of Monaco. The specific mountain is the escarpment at the foot of the Maritime Alps on which the town stands.

The history of the area and the ruling Grimaldi family, however, dates back centuries. The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

By the 1850s, Monaco’s reigning family was almost bankrupt; this was a result of the loss of two towns, Menton and Roquebrune, which had provided most of the principality’s revenues with their lemon, orange and olive crops.[3] At the time, a number of small towns in Europe were growing prosperous from the establishment of casinos, notably in German towns such as Baden-Baden and Homburg[disambiguation needed]. In 1856, Charles III of Monaco granted a concession to Napoleon Langlois and Albert Aubert to establish a sea-bathing facility for the treatment of various diseases, and to build a German-style casino in Monaco.[3] The initial casino was opened in La Condamine in 1862, but was not a success; its present location in the area called "Les Spelugues" (The Caves) of Monte Carlo, came only after several relocations in the years that followed. The success of the casino grew slowly, largely due to the area's inaccessibility from much of Europe. The installation of the railway in 1868, however, brought with it an influx of people into Monte Carlo and saw it grow in wealth.[3]

In 1911, when the Constitution divided the principality of Monaco in 3 municipalities, the municipality of Monte Carlo was created covering the existing neighborhoods of La Rousse / Saint Roman, Larvotto / Bas Moulins and Saint Michel. The municipalities were merged into one in 1917, after accusations that the government was acting according to the motto "divide and conquer" and they were accorded the status of wards (quartiers) thereafter. Today, Monaco is divided into 10 wards, with an eleventh ward planned (but currently postponed) to encompass land reclaimed from the sea (see the "Administrative Divisions" section of Monaco for additional details).

The quarter of Monte Carlo was served by tramways from 1900 to 1953, linking all parts of Monaco. In 2003, a new cruise ship pier was completed in the harbour at Monte Carlo.

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Newspaper advertising in the real estate section of the Sunday issue of the Los Angeles times directs new home seekers to high value planned unit development by the Irvine company, May 1975

Some cool real estate values images:

Newspaper advertising in the real estate section of the Sunday issue of the Los Angeles times directs new home seekers to high value planned unit development by the Irvine company, May 1975
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Image by The U.S. National Archives
Original Caption: Newspaper advertising in the real estate section of the Sunday issue of the Los Angeles times directs new home seekers to high value planned unit development by the Irvine company. The firm is building on some of the best land in the seaside county. A state Coastal Zone Conservation Act which went into effect in 1973 has affected all development within 1,000 yards of the shoreline more stringent construction requirements has resulted in sky-rocketing property values, May 1975

U.S. National Archives’ Local Identifier: 412-DA-14961

Photographer: O'Rear, Charles, 1941-

Los Angeles (California)
Environmental Protection Agency

Persistent URL: research.archives.gov/description/557413

Repository: Still Picture Records Section, Special Media Archives Services Division (NWCS-S), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD, 20740-6001.

For information about ordering reproductions of photographs held by the Still Picture Unit, visit: www.archives.gov/research/order/still-pictures.html

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