
Nice Real Estate Auction photos

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Check out these real estate auction images:

Real Estate Auction 2005
real estate auction
Image by 666isMONEY ☮ ♥ & ☠
I was stunned at the prices these were going for . . . I owned lots in the areas and thought I was going to be a millionaire, lol. Unfortunately, I held on to my vacant land as an asset to sell as needed, now I can't afford the taxes. Now, I realize that it's bad karma to hold onto a lot of vacant land, the land should be used.

This brochure has been drifting around my office as a reminder. I want to contact a business friend in regards the people I know who profited from selling land at this auction . . . wonder how they are doing now. The (super-good-looking/healthy) friend had 4-children and a lovely wife.

Map link shows where the auction was, the hotel is now becoming student condos, it was completely gutted . . . wonder what the (mapped) convention center will become.

View large, read in original size (14.4MB).

Allison Hudgins at the PV Real Estate Meeting
real estate auction
Image by Phil Sexton
Allison shares her experiences from the latest real estate auctions here in Phoenix.
